Friday, July 16, 2010

The Wheel of Time: The Great Hunt

The journey continues for our young "heroes" in this second novel in The Wheel of Time series. Rand, Mat and a group of soldiers must recover the Horn of Valere when it is stolen from a Shienaran fortress by Darkfriends and Trollocs. If the horn is placed into the wrong hands, many things could go wrong. They follow the Darkfriends and Trollocs and Rand manages to recover the horn and get away unharmed in the middle of the night. They then journey to Cairhein where the horn is once again lost. They learn it has been taken to Toman Head where Padan Fain, a powerful Darkfriend is waiting with the horn. Meanwhile, Egwene and Nynaeve have gone to the White Tower to be trained as Aes Sedai. There, they are told by an Aes Sedai that Rand and their friends are in trouble and they must leave at once to help them. They are joined by the Daughter-Heir of Andor, Elayne. When they arrive at their destination, they learn they have been tricked and are surprised by Seanchan( a group of people who have come from across the sea to take over Falme), and Egwene is taken captive. Nynaeve and Elayne escape and come up with a plan to get her out of captivity.
Rand and his party arrive in Falme, where they learned the Horn is now hidden. They take a small party into the city and reclaim the Horn. At the same time, Nynaeve and Elayne are rescuing Egwene and attempting to flee the city while an army of Whitecloaks attack the Seanchan. Rand once again comes face to face with Ba'alzamon and duels him in the middle of the fight in Falme.

Once again, Robert Jordan does not disappoint his readers. This book is full of action and twists that pull you right along with the characters. You meet some new heroes and learn some surprising things about Rand, Mat and the others. It may not be as fast paced as the first book, but it still provides an excellent journey with the young heroes and keeps you turning the pages.

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