Monday, August 16, 2010

The Wheel of Time: Lord of Chaos

I am going to stop giving a summary on the rest of these books... I don't think I could provide a decent one without giving away huge spoilers and I don't like spoilers for the most part, so if you would like a summary, there are some very good ones on Wikipedia.

This book was very thrilling to put it mildly. So many plot twists were in this book, it was amazing and some of them you could not see coming at all. I will say that some parts dragged a bit and seemed slow, but Robert Jordan is a very detailed writer and likes to describe things to the fullest and sometimes it got old to me when the same thing would be described over and over by different characters. You did get each characters own take on the surroundings so that's what kept it from being "boring" in those parts of the book for me. Overall, an excellent book and a great addition to the series.

Sorry it took so long for the review to be put up. I've been very busy and this book is VERY long on top of me being busy.

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